
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 02:31:03AM -0800, Dean N. Williams wrote:
> I am trying to build Python with Tcl/Tk under the Cygwin_NT-5.1 OS. 
> Has anyone done this?
Yes, Cygwin Python with _tkinter has been part of the standard Cygwin
distribution for over three years:
> Do I need to build tcl8.4.9 and tk8.4.9 under the unix directory or
> the win directory.

No, Tcl/Tk is part of the standard Cygwin distribution too.

> I found that the Tcl/Tk unix directories compiled just fine and built
> the libtcl8.4.a and libtk8.4.a libraries for use. But I don't think
> that Python is looking for this. If you've built Python with Tcl/Tck,
> is it possible for you to send me instructions on how you did it?

See the Cygwin Python README:

BTW, why don't you just use the pre-built Cygwin Python?


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