At Tuesday 26/9/2006 12:53, Jon Ribbens wrote:

> BTW, I am curious about how you do unit testing. The example that I used
> in my summary is a very common pattern but would break in cgi.escape
> changed it's semantics. What do you do instead?

To be honest I'm not sure what *sort* of code people test this way. It
just doesn't seem appropriate at all for web page generating code. Web
pages need to be manually viewed in web browsers, and validated, and
checked for accessibility. Checking they're equal to a particular
string just seems bizarre (and where does that string come from

By example, I do not validate a "page". I validate that all methods that make up pieces of a page, build them the way they should - these are our "unit tests". Then, it's up to the templating library to join all the pieces into the final html page. I validated the original html against the corresponding dtd some time ago (using the w3c validator), and ocasionally when things "looks wrong" on a browser, but most of the time the html generated pages are not validated nor checked as a whole. What you describe are another kind of tests, and really should not depend on the details of cgi.escape - as the usability test of an MP3 player does not care about some transitor's hFE used inside...

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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