I am trying to use ScriptControl under Excel (Windows XP) with the code: Global sc As New MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
Public Function os_getcwd() sc.Language = "python" sc.ExecuteStatement ("import os") os_getcwd = sc.Eval("os.getcwd()") End Function When setting the language to python I have the error "A script engine for the specified language..." On the other side, under python, the translated code: import win32com.client sc=win32com.client.Dispatch("ScriptControl") sc.Language = "python" sc.ExecuteStatement ("import os") print sc.Eval("os.getcwd()") works without any problem ! So, is it possible that a different set of permissions for languages available in ScriptControl is used when executed from Excel or from python ? Is it possible to ask the available languages to ScriptControl ? Well, in fact I am totally puzzled by this behaviour so any help is welcome :-) Sebastien PS: could you reply to my email address as I do not read regularly c.l.p. ? thanks -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list