In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve Holden wrote:
>> I would have hoped that people don't treat that as a licence to be
>> obnoxious, though. I am aware of Fredrik's history, which is why I
>> was somewhat surprised and disappointed that he was being so rude
>> and unpleasant in this thread. He is not living up to his reputation
>> at all. Maybe he's having a bad day ;-)
> I generally find that Fredrik's rudeness quotient is satisfactorily 
> biased towards discouraging ill-informed comment.

It's a pity he's being rude when presented with well-informed comment

> As far as rudeness goes, I've found your approach to this discussion
> to be pretty obnoxious, and I'm generally know as someone with a
> high tolerance for idiotic behaviour.

Why do you say that? I have confined myself to simple logical
arguments, and been frankly very restrained when presented with
rudeness and misunderstanding from other thread participants.
In what way should I have modified my postings?

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