> http://pyfaq.infogami.com/
Tell me more? Clueless newbie me, thru this door I'm at three deaths and counting. Does that Py Faq Wiki have a sandbox a la alt.test, and/or a tutorial? // Death One: http://pyfaq.infogami.com/_account/in?path=/ requires me to create a persisting ID "between 3 and 20 letters and numbers", i.e., not an e-mail address. Grumble, ok. // Death Two: http://pyfaq.infogami.com/programming-index kicked back comment "How can I reverse a string, an array, a list, etc.?" with "Sorry, that looks like spam. I'm not going to post it." // Death Three: Search infogami in clp gives me: http://howto.infogami.com/createnewpages which suggests: http://pyfaq.infogami.com/how-do-i-reverse which dies at "Sorry, that page could not be found." // Next clue? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list