Now 2.5 is out, and we have a syntax for explicit relative imports (PEP 328,, in case anyone wasn't paying attention). The long-term plan is that the classical import syntax becomes absolute import only, so that all imports are explicitly one or the other.
You can only use relative import from within packages. Trying to import a top-level module relatively from within same directory, produces the exception "ValueError: Relative importpath too deep". There's a certain logic to that: You can just omit "from ." and do a regular absolute import. However, that spells bad news for modules that are both contained within packages, and executed from the top level as well. Accessing the same module both from within a package and outside it may seem like a bad idea, and in many ways, it is. You may get a double import of the same module with subtle, mysterious bugs to follow, when e.g. you suddenly have two copies of the "same" class, and isinstance(obj,mymodule.Cls) fails unexpectedly. But it's quite common all the same: The if __name__ == "__main__": idiom is often used, even within packages. But that is currently incompatible with using relative imports. It seems to me that unless we rethink the main idiom competely (which may not be a bad idea by the way, for the reasons given above), relative imports at the top level will need to be allowed. Another addition I'd like to see it the "import .foo" form. Currently only "from"-imports have a relative form. The argument against is that "import X" binds the name X, and it's not clear which name the relative import binds. I move that it's blindingly obvious: "import .foo" binds "foo", equivalent to "from . import foo". Did anyone really expect the name ".foo" to be bound? It's not a big deal though, as you only need to type "from ." once per module anyway. Using another improvement in 2.5, you can now write: from . import ( this, that, ) - Anders --