I've been working on a game for several months but now I'm thinking I
may be going about it the wrong way.  It's an online RPG designed to
recreate a pen & paper session, kind of like the OpenRPG project.

Originally I planned on doing something like OpenRPG with a Python app
that contained everything.  But I'm thinking that approach may not be
necessary.  Since the game would use the Internet for everyone to play
it, maybe it would be easier/better to just make a web app w/ Python
underpinnings.  That way I wouldn't have to worry about making a Python
GUI and other "standalone" features that would have to be installed on
each players computer; they could just interact via a web browser and

The code I've made so far is just a text-based "proof-of-concept" for
the character generation to make sure I have the logic correct.  I've
only been designing a GUI for the last few weeks and trying different
things like Tkinter and wxPython, so building a whole web app won't set
me back any.

With that in mind, I'm looking for opinions from more experienced
programmers.  For this project, do you think I should continue w/
building a stand alone program or do you think making something out of
Django/Turbogears would be better?


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