My $0.02:
re.compile('^\w+([\.-]?\w+)[EMAIL PROTECTED]([\.-]?\w+)*\.(\w{2}|(com|net|org|edu|intl|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum))$')
I picked it up from the Net, and while it may be not perfect (you've got lots of reply's telling you why),
it's good enough for me.
Good luck,
My $0.02:
re.compile('^\w+([\.-]?\w+)[EMAIL PROTECTED]([\.-]?\w+)*\.(\w{2}|(com|net|org|edu|intl|mil|gov|arpa|biz|aero|name|coop|info|pro|museum))$')
I picked it up from the Net, and while it may be not perfect (you've got lots of reply's telling you why),
it's good enough for me.
Good luck,
-- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list