Thank you for your inputing which has been great inspirational:)

What I tried to do is to write a string.split() module, so I started

def spilt(a):
    if not isinstance(a, basestring): #Or isinstance(a, str)
    for i in len(a):
        if a[i]=' ':

I'm still working on it:)

Thank you again


PS: Is str() the same as repr() ?

Cameron Laird wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Thank you so much it answers my humble question perfectly:)
> >
> HOWEVER, to answer you final question, yes, there is a different
> and, in general, better, way.  While there's a lot to say about
> good Python style and typing, I'll summarize at a high level:
> you shouldn't have to check types.  I can understand that you
> are working to make a particular function particularly robust,
> and are trying to account for a wide range of inputs.  This is
> healthy.  In stylish Python, though, you generally don't need
> type checking.  How would it be, for example, if someone passed
> the number 3 to your function.  Is that an error?  Do you want
> it automatically interpreted as the string "3"?  You can achieve
> these results withOUT a sequence of
>   if isinstance(...
>   elif isinstance(...
>   ...
> perhaps with something as simple as
>   my_input = str(my_input).
> One of us will probably follow-up with a reference to a more
> detailed write-up of the subject.


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