"kode4u" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How to use python get my windows box's ip setting type? Dynamic ip, or
> static ip?
> If it's static ip, what's the exact value?
Here's one way:

def ipinfo(interface="Local Area Connection"):
        dhcpenabled = False
        staticip = None
        subnetmask = None
        for l in os.popen('netsh interface ip show address "%s"' % interface):
                l = l.strip()
                if l.startswith('DHCP enabled'):
                        dhcpenabled = l.endswith('Yes')
                if l.startswith("IP Address"):
                        staticip = l.rsplit(None,1)[-1]
                if l.startswith("SubnetMask"):
                        subnetmask = l.rsplit(None,1)[-1]
        return dhcpenabled, staticip, subnetmask

>>> ipinfo()
(True, None, None)
>>> ipinfo("VMware Network Adapter VMnet1")
(False, '', '')

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