I wrote an extension to Mark Hammond's win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework class
(that I submitted to him also) that extends the class to provide you with this functionality (along with the ability to support py2exe frozen services better).
Here it is:
import _winreg import os import win32evtlogutil
class NTserviceBase: ''' Written by: Larry A. Bates - Syscon, Inc. March 2004
This is a base class for creating new NTservices with Python. It should be included when you are defining your class as follows:
class newNTservice(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework, NTserviceBase):
# Required attributes for a service
_svc_description_='newNTservice is a service that can be installed ' \
'and 'run on any Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 ' \
'computer. It can be controlled by services applet' \ 'in the Control Panel and will run unattended ' \ 'after being started.'
def __init__(self, args): NTserviceBase.__init__(self) win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args) # # Create an event which we will use to wait on. # The "service stop" request will set this event. # self.hWaitStop=win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) return
Note: the __init__ method of the created class should call the __init__ method of NTserviceBase AND win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework to get everything initialized properly ''' def __init__(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call function to set self.PythonService (0=binary, 1=Python) #------------------------------------------------------------------- self.getSERVICEtype() self.installpath=self.getSERVICEpath() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call function to set Service's long description string. Can't # seem to find a way to do this that works for both PythonServices # and binary (py2exe) services. So I will set the description # every time the service is started. #------------------------------------------------------------------- self.setSERVICEdescription() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call function to register eventlog message handler which is # different if I'm a binary vs. PythonService. #------------------------------------------------------------------- self.getPythonServicePath() #------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this is a PythonService, point to installed PythonService.exe # if not, point to a copy of PythonService.exe that gets installed # along with the binary. Note: on binary distributions you must # include a copy of PythonService.exe along with your other files # to provide EventLog message decoding. #------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.PythonService: sourcepath=self.PythonServicePath else: sourcepath=os.path.join(self.installpath, "PythonService.exe ") self.setSERVICEeventlogSource(sourcepath) return
def getSERVICEtype(self): ''' Function to determine if this is a Python service or a binary service created by py2exe. Sets self.PythonService=1 if it is a Python service or PythonService=0 if it is a binary service. ''' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # This service can run as a PythonService or it can run as a binary # .EXE service (created by py2exe). We can sense this by looking # to see if # HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\_svc_name_\PythonClass # key exists in the registry. If it doesn't, then I'm a binary # install. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open registry and search for PythonService install #--------------------------------------------------------------------- regkey='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%s' % self._svc_name_ key=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey) nsubkeys, nvalues, lastmodified=_winreg.QueryInfoKey(key) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin by assuming I'm a binary (non-Python) service created by py2exe #--------------------------------------------------------------------- self.PythonService=0 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loop over the keys in this branch looking for "PythonService" key #--------------------------------------------------------------------- for i in range(nsubkeys): subkeyname=_winreg.EnumKey(key, i) if subkeyname == 'PythonClass': self.PythonService=1 break
def getSERVICEpath(self): ''' Function to retrieve the full pathname to where the service has been installed on the machine. This can be used to locate .INI or other data files (if this service uses any). ''' if self.PythonService: regkey='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%s\PythonClass' \ % self._svc_name_ value_name='' # Default else: regkey='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%s' % self._svc_name_ value_name="ImagePath"
#--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the contents of the value_name value under this key. This # contains the full pathname where the service was installed and # points me to the .INI file. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- key=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey) SERVICEpath=_winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_name)[0] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract the full pathname where this service has been installed from # this registry entry so I can locate the .INI file. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICEpath=str(os.path.split(SERVICEpath)[0]) return SERVICEpath
def getPythonServicePath(self): ''' Function to retrieve the full pathname to where PythonService.exe has been installed on the machine (only used for Python Services, not binary ones). This can be used to locate PythonService.exe for EventLog message decoding. ''' self.PythonService=None regkey='SOFTWARE\Python\PythonService' try: key=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey) except: return #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get first subkeyname (Python Version) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- subkeyname=_winreg.EnumKey(key, 0) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the contents of the value_name value under this key. This # contains the full pathname where the PythonService.exe is installed. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- self.PythonServicePath=_winreg.QueryValue(key, subkeyname) return
def setSERVICEdescription(self): ''' This function sets the long description string that is displayed in the Control Panel applet when this service is selected to the contents of self._svc_description_ defined at the top of the service. ''' #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open registry at the proper key #--------------------------------------------------------------------- regkey='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%s' % self._svc_name_ key=_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regkey, 0, \ _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE)
_winreg.SetValueEx(key, 'Description', 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, \ self._svc_description_) return
def setSERVICEeventlogSource(self, sourcepath): ''' This function sets the path to PythonService.exe so that EventLog messages can be properly decoded. ''' win32evtlogutil.AddSourceToRegistry(self._svc_name_, sourcepath, 'Application') return
Hope it helps, Larry Bates
rbt wrote:
rbt wrote:
Roger Upole wrote:
ChangeServiceConfig2 is the api functions that sets the description, but it's not in the win32service module (yet).
OK, I can use _winreg to add the 'Description' field under the appropriate registry key.
Here's an example of it... kludgey but it works ;)
from _winreg import * import time
def Svc_Description():
key_location = r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\test_py_service"
svc_key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_location, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
SetValueEx(svc_key,'Description',0,REG_SZ,u"Brad's Test Python Service")
except Exception, e:
print e
Svc_Description() time.sleep(10)