"Kareem840" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello. Unfortunately, I am in need of money to pay my credit card
> bills. If you could spare just $1, I would be grateful. I have a Paypal
> account. [EMAIL PROTECTED] I swear this will go to my card
> balances. Thank you.

If you have a story of unusual personal hardship that led to the
balances, share it--you may get more response.  

If you're just a usual idiot without the discipline to live within
their their means, get a job, or if you have one, get a better one and
dig yourself out of the whole you've created for yourself.  Otherwise,
we'd all just be enabling you to be an idiot again, we'd all be a
dollar poorer, and you'd be no wiser--just with a better credit score
for a time.

If you're just seeing how many folks will give you money without any
good reason (i.e. not a scam, just an internet beggar), hey, enjoy. 

If you're a clever sociology graduate student doing a pootentially
interesting thesis on various responses to an anonymous plea for money
on the internet, kudos.  I bet it'd be an interesting study.

Best Regards, 
Todd H.  

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