Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > Write your program in Python, and you can ignore the Python
> > license when you distribute your own work. We'd love to see you
> > distribute it under a free software license, but the license of
> > Python has no legal effect on your decision.
> Given that many people distribute (enough of) the interpreter with
> their Python programs I wouldn't like the above to be regarded as a
> blanket statement that the Python license doesn't have to be
> considered when distributing the interpreter with program source.

Yes, this is true; I was deliberately omitting the case where parts of
Python *are* being redistributed. How about this:

Write your program in Python, distribute it without including any part
of Python itself, and you can ignore the Python license. We'd love to
see you distribute your work under a free software license, but the
license of Python has no legal effect on your decision in that case.

 \                       "Nature abhors a moron."  -- Henry L. Mencken |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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