>>> __metaclass__ = whatever
>>> at the top of each module whose classes are to get the new behavior.
>> I think '__metaclass__ = whatever' affects only the creation of classes
>> that would otherwise be old-style classes?
> Wrong.
> If you set __metaclass__ = type, every class in that module will be
> new-style.

 >>> from UserDict import UserDict
 >>> type(UserDict)
 <type 'classobj'>
 >>> class A(UserDict):
 ...   pass
 >>> type(A)
 <type 'classobj'>
 >>> __metaclass__ = type
 >>> class B(UserDict):
 ...   pass
 >>> type(B)
 <type 'classobj'>

It seems that NOT every class in my module will be a new style class,
especially those that inherit from other old-style classes in other


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