In accordance with PyCon's privacy policy, there are currently 29 PyCon registrants who have asked that their names not be published. The remainder, however, are listed here just in case you've ever wanted to meet any of them, and could do so by registering for PyCon at

Note that the sort order isn't perfect - I just sorted on the second "word" in each name. PyCon is a *great* place to meet people and discuss ideas. Hope to see you there.


    Chris Akre
    Brad Allen
    Kevin Altis
    Ummesalma Amil
    Stephen Apiki
    Dan Arico
    Larry Austin
    Suresh Babu Eddala
    Jim Baker
    Amir Bakhtiar
    Greg Barr
    Facundo Batista
    Anton Benard
    Thomas Bennett
    Bill Bergmann
    Ian Bicking
    Brian Bilbrey
    David Binger
    Zachery Bir
    Matthew Blecker
    Chris Blunck
    Ben Bodner
    Jonah Bossewitch
    Ivo Busko
    Theodore C. Pollari
    Matthew Cahn
    JP Calderone
    Brett Cannon
    Katie Capps Parlante
    Vern Ceder
    Michael Chermside
    Martin Chilvers
    Anders Chrigstrom
    Daniel Chudnov
    Tom Cocagne
    Eric Coffman
    Kevin Cole
    Tim Couper
    Matt Croydon
    Kevin Cully
    Andrew Dalke
    R. David Murray
    Zoltan Deak
    Stephan Deibel
    Catherine Devlin
    Cory Dodt
    Bruce Donald Campbell
    Brian Dorsey
    Scott Downie
    Fred Drake
    Matt Drew
    Michael Droettboom
    Reggie Dugard
    Donovan Eastman
    Bruce Eckel
    John Ehresman
    Alan Elkner
    Jeffrey Elkner
    Richard Emslie
    Mathieu Fenniak
    Robert Ferguson
    Abe Fettig
    Russell Finn
    Timothy Fitz
    Mike Fletcher
    Alec Flett
    Paul Flint
    Mitchell Foral
    Doug Fort
    Robin Friedrich
    Phil Frost
    Jim Fulton
    Patrick Garrett
    Philip Gaudette
    David Geller
    Grig Gheorghiu
    Christopher Gillett
    John Goebel
    Matthew Good
    David Goodger
    Nat Goodspeed
    Perry Greenfield
    Joe Grossberg
    David Grumm
    Walter H. Rauser
    Warren Hack
    Walker Hale IV
    Jacob Hallen
    David Hancock
    Andrew Harrington
    Travis Hartwell
    Randy Heiland
    Mark Hertel
    Raymond Hettinger
    Rob Hill
    Tom Hoffman
    Steve Holden
    Jim Hugunin
    John Hunter
    Jeremy Hylton
    Bob Ippolito
    Joseph J. Pamer
    Kevin Jacobs
    Vineet Jain
    Michael Johnson
    Eric Jones
    Evan Jones
    Ian Jones
    Richard Jones
    Francisco Juarez
    Patrick K. O'Brien
    Jacob Kaplan-Moss
    Don Kauffman
    David Keeney
    Peter Kessler
    Shahthureen Khan
    Brian Kirsch
    Sally Kleinfeldt
    Josheph Kocherhans
    Jeff Kowalczyk
    Daniel Krech
    Kartic Krishnamurthy
    Peter Kropf
    Andrew Kuchling
    Bob Kuehne
    Jeff Kunce
    Lloyd Kvam
    Jason L  Asbahr
    Cameron Laird
    LD Landis
    Jukka Laurila
    Aaron Lav
    Phil Lawrence
    Edward Leafe
    Charles Leake
    Glyph Lefkowitz
    Ted Leung
    Michelle Levesque
    Bailing Li
    Greg Lindstrom
    Yihsiang Liow
    Peter Lyons
    John M. Camara
    Matthew MacInnes
    Andrew MacKeith
    Bryan MacRae
    Brian Mahoney
    Alex Martelli
    Andrej Masiar
    Peter Masiar
    Roger Masse
    Mark McClain
    Alan McIntyre
    Michael McLay
    Paul McNett
    Simon Michael
    Charles Moad
    Andrew Moore
    David Morrill
    David Muffley
    Edward Muller
    Robin Munn
    Eric Newton
    Edward Ng
    Rob Nichols
    Nestor Nissen
    Greg Noble
    Neal Norwitz
    Peter Olsen
    Mike Orr
    Brad Palmquist
    Guy Pardoe
    Bob Parks
    Thomas Parsli
    Anders Pearson
    Joel Pearson
    Samuele Pedroni
    Dave Perkins
    Tim Peters
    Carl Phillips
    Charles Phillips
    John Pinner
    Mike Pirnat
    Patrick Power
    Mark Pratt
    Kashif Qureshi
    James R Hall-Morrison
    Michael R. Bernstein
    Douglas R. Caldwell
    Andrew R. Gross
    Robert R. Knight
    Christian R. Simms
    Anna Ravenscroft
    Jimmy Retzlaff
    John Rhodes
    Anthony Rhudd
    Armin Rigo
    Nicholas Riley
    Arnaldo Riquelme
    Tracy Ruggles
    Jeff Rush
    Ollie Rutherfurd
    Dr. S. Candelaria de Ram
    Mike Salib
    Prasan Samtani
    Michel Sanner
    Phil Schumm
    Bill Sconce
    Chris Shenton
    Allen Short
    Jim Sizelove
    Brian Skahan
    Erik Smartt
    Garrett Smith
    Jason Smith
    Jacob Smullyan
    Jeff Sprandel
    David Stanek
    William Stein
    Yusei TAHARA
    Geoff Talvola
    Lee Taylor
    Mike Taylor
    Christian Theune
    Rick Thomas
    Andy Trice
    George Trojan
    Jamie Turner
    Karl Ulbrich
    Kirby Urner
    Eric V. Smith
    Andi Vajda
    Hernando Vera
    Thomas Verghese
    Martin Walsh
    Barry Warsaw
    Steve Waterbury
    Michael Weigend
    Chad Whitacre
    Kendall Whitesell
    Frank Wilder
    Derek Willis
    Simon Willison
    Mark Wittner
    Russ Woodman
    Andy Wright
    Linden Wright
    Peter Wu
    Yahong Wu
    James Y Knight
    Ka-Ping Yee
    Nathan Yergler
    Wai Yip Tung
    Rici Yu
    Peter Zhang
    Brian Zimmer
    matthew daiprai
    holger krekel
    clint malone
    Martin v. Loewis
    Guido van Rossum
    Tom von Schwerdtner

Steve Holden     
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC      +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

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