Sorry but english isn't my native language so I don't really get what 
you are trying to tell me, it took me quite a long time to figure out 
what SFA means (I guess it is Sweet Fanny Adams => nothing at all).

All examples were taken from the matplotlib-homepage but they won't work 
on my installation and I don't know why.
You point out that "left and height are Numeric arrays", and that is 
exactly what they are, so what am I missing?

I tried nearly 10 examples from different websites and tutorials and 
none of them worked!
So I don't think I'm doing something wrong, or am I?


John Machin wrote:
> Call me crazy -- I know SFA about matplotlib -- but I'd expect anything
> scientific to barf if given tuples of integers to play with, and
> following the docs links matplotlib > pylab > bar we find:
> """
> bar(*args, **kwargs)
>     BAR(left, height, width=0.8, bottom=0,
>         color='b', yerr=None, xerr=None, ecolor='k', capsize=3)
>     Make a bar plot with rectangles at
>       left, left+width, 0, height
>     left and height are Numeric arrays.
>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> """
> Which of us is missing what?
> Cheers,
> John

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