On 15 Sep 2006 06:11:12 -0700, "Nemesis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Franz Steinhaeusler wrote:
>> A few other notes (or should I post into the feature requests on
>> sourceforge?)
>To be honest I do not check sourceforge forums very often. If you want
>you can also send me an email (the email is written in the readme

Ok. I have still a few suggestions! ;)

>> little point: I find it superfluos on the header pane, to always have
>> the term "Re:" before (it would probaly easier to read without this
>> text).
>Maybe that's true ... but I tend not to modify the informations I show,
>I like not to elaborate to much the articles.


>> an option possibly (as in agent): if you click on the tree the "+" sign,
>> it would be more convenient (for me) to open *all* subbranches, this
>> means show all responses headers for this thread.
>I should change the behaviour of the expander and that's not a correct
>way of acting.
>You can expand the whole thread with the command "Expand Selected
>Subthread" in the "Subscribed Groups" menu (or on the Toolbar). If you
>want you can associate a shortcut to this function ... there is also a
>standard GTK shortcut for this function SHIFT+CTRL+NUMPAD_PLUS
>where NUMPAD_PLUS is the plus key on the numpad.

Ah, great. I changed, this was not working immediatly.
So I remembered, most often you have to restart the App, and so its is

Small Notice: There was the warning then: Another Instance is running,
I pressed yes.

>> if you change the groups, it would be nice to remember the position of
>> the last readed thread in the header pane, which means changing forth
>> and back to a certain group (as option for example).
>that's an optimization I've thinking about for a while ... but at the
>moment I don't know how to implement it.

I see, you have to remember after refreshing the list the position and
the state of the folding. I can imagine, this is not trivial.

I'm sure, I will discover some more useful things about your program!
In some cases, it already beats forte agent!

Some remarks:

* I don't find any function to delete threads or single messages (for
spam messages for instance)

* It would be fine to have an option to switch in search for "case
insensitive" as default on.

* nice would be, if nothing is found in the search, a little message
box appear.

* threads are somtimes not assigned correctly, this means, that
one thread is divided into two.
I subscribed to wxPyhton mailing list in gmane, and there is:
One thread
Applications written in wxPyhton
and another
RE: Applications written in wxPyhton

but this (is) or should be *one* thread.

* the enter key is not working in some dialogs (for example in search)
and Esc to cancel the dialog. (or is that a gkt issue?)

* the find dialog is sometimes not working

* in the find, it would be nice to remember the last state.
I check (case insensitive on, and the next time, this option is of

* After starting XPN, it would be good, to jump
either the last selected group or the first group immediatly
showing the headers.

* to mark more than one article at one time (to be able to mark
multiple articles at one as read, ...)

* If I press 'n' for next: the last message is reached in a group,
and I find it useful to jump to the next group and looks for the next
unread message. (Now it simply stops there).

If I am wrong about some things, please correct me.
It could be that I have overseen some things.

best regards,

Franz Steinhaeusler

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