PyMedia has Windows binaries available for download. Jay wrote: > Only if I have to. PyMedia is a pain and a half to build and why do > that if I can just pipe it out to some other program? > > > Tim Williams wrote: > > On 15 Sep 2006 18:16:41 -0700, Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I'm writing a python script that involves playing mp3 files. The first > > > approach I had was sending commands to unix command-line programs in > > > order to play them. I tired mpg123 and moosic, but there was a key > > > feature to my program's success that's missing. SEEK! I need to be > > > able to start playing a song at an arbitrary point in the song. I > > > can't find anything to let me do this. Does anyone have any advice or > > > has anyone needed something similar? > > > > maybe > > > > :)