Luis P. Mendes wrote:
> Method a() is not called.  Why is this?  What is the best option to
> solve this? Have Cotacoes returning values and not to be an ancestor
> class of CruzaEmas?

It works for me, after rearranging your code a little bit:

class Ema:

class Sistema:
    def __init__(self, par):
        cruza_ema = CruzaEmas(par)

class Cotacoes:
    def __init__(self, par):
        print "par: ", par
    def a(self):
        print "ffffffffffffff"

class CruzaEmas(Ema, Cotacoes):
    def __init__(self, par):
        Cotacoes.__init__(self, par)

s = Sistema("par")



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