On 9/15/06, Wildemar Wildenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
> > - I was referring to executing arbitrary sections of a Python file in
> > a Python interpreter in an "integrated way". When I tried JEdit, I
> > think that Jython was the way to go. (And I think this was also the
> > case for a while, at least to judge from D. Metrz's review
> > http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-cpyide/
> >
> >
> >> The console plugin (probably THE most useful of the pack) gives you a
> >> system shell and means to start compilers/interpreters based on your
> >
> > But isn't this a "generic console": you go to the console, and then
> > type "python2.3" or "python2.4" or whatever? How do you send arbitrary
> > selections of Python code from the file you are editing to this shell?
> > Is there a way to mark a section of code and have it evaluated by the
> > python interpreter? Or a function definition?
> Ahh, I see. Well, you're right, that is not that easily possible. But
> you know what? I've never missed such functionality; the "if __name__
> ..." trick always sufficed for me. Buts thats taste of course, lets not
> debate that.

Thanks for the clarification. (And no, I won't debate that: the choice
of editor is (and should be) very much a matter of personal taste, and
JEdit is certainly a very fine and interesting editor).



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