Roy Smith wrote: > > As I remember, you didn't need the whitespace either. IIRC, your example > above could have been written as: > > PROGRAMKWDS > REALREAL,WRITE > WRITE=1.0 > REAL=2.0 > WRITE(*,*)WRITE,REAL > END >
It's stranger than that. FORTRAN 77 is insensitive to white space (other than inside character literals). So you could write the code like: P RO G RAM KW D S RE ALRE AL, WRITE WRITE = 1 . 0 RE AL=2.0 WRI TE(* , *)WRI TE, REAL E N D if you wanted to ;-) When people complain that Python is sensitive to white space, remember this as the opposite extreme! [Just for completeness I will add that there are rules about what "columns" the code has to be in, but that is separate from the white space issue.] --