Donlingerfelt wrote:
> I would like to download stock quotes from the web, store them, do
> calculations and sort the results.  However I am fairly new and don't have a
> clue how to parse the results of a web page download.   I can get to the
> site, but do not know how to request the certain data  need.  Does anyone
> know how to do this?  I would really appreciate it.  Thanks.


   Heres's example 8.4 from the SE manual:


> >> def get_current_stock_quotes (symbols):

      import urllib

      url = '' + '+'.join (symbols)

      htm_page = urllib.urlopen (url)

      import SE

      keep = '"~[A-Z]+ [JFMAJSOND].+?%~==(10)"  "~[A-Z]+ 

      Data_Extractor = SE.SE ('<EAT> ' + keep)

      Tag_Stripper = SE.SE ('"~<(.|\n)*?>~= " se/ | "~\n[ 
\t\n]*~=(10)" "~ +~= "')

      data = Data_Extractor (Tag_Stripper ( ()))

      htm_page.close ()

      return data

> >> print get_current_stock_quotes (('GE','IBM','AAPL', 'MSFT', 'AA', 

GE 3:17PM ET 33.15 0.30 0.90%

IBM 3:17PM ET 76.20 0.47 0.61%

AAPL 3:22PM ET 55.66 0.66 1.20%

MSFT 3:22PM ET 23.13 0.37 1.57%

AA 3:17PM ET 31.80 1.61 4.82%

MER 3:17PM ET 70.24 0.82 1.15%


If this meets your requirements you'll find SE here:




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