kkt49 wrote: > under code service install => ok > > _svc_name_ = r'moin_service' > _svc_display_name_ = r'moin_service' > start_cmd = r"c:\mmde\moin.exe" > #info = ['', '', ''] > > def __init__(self): > #self._svc_name = info[0] > #self._svc_display_name_ = info[1] > #self.start_cmd = info[2] > > but, i want dynamic _svc_name_ and start_cmd
Services aren't dynamic in nature. They are static, are given names (that are used to start, stop, etc.) and get installed into servicemanager on Windows workstation or server. Their behavior could be dynamic, that is you could change what they do by communicating with them via external means. I think you better back up and tell us what you are trying to do at a higher level. Perhaps we can help more. -Larry -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list