On 1/29/05 11:38 PM, Robert Kern  wrote:

> Chris Weisiger wrote:
>>      I'm trying to install numeric on my MacOS X box using Darwin, with 
>> the  eventual goal of satisfying all of PyGame's dependencies so I 
>> can  finally start working on my semester project. I would be using 
>> MacPython,  except that I can't seem to get its Package Manager to 
>> work.

> <snip>
> This is fixed in CVS.

Thanks; I've now successfully installed Numeric, as well as all of the 
other dependencies listed for PyGame. However, PyGame appears to still 
not be working. When I try to run the program at the top of this page: 
I get the following error: 

% python main.py
Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)

Is this a problem with PyGame or with something else? I can run a simple 
Hello World program, so I'm assuming that Python itself is fine. Any 

"Don't take life so serious, son - it ain't nohow permanent." - 

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