I've just bought a new notebook, which has a dual core CPU. I write cross platform games in Python, and I'd really like to be able to use this second core (on my machine, and on user's machines) for any new games I might write.
I know threads won't help (in CPython at least) so I'm investigating other types of concurrency which I might be able to use. I really like the PyLinda approach, however I need to be able to pass around all the simple python types, which PyLinda won't help me with. Also, PyLinda is more focused on distributing computing; I really only want to have 2 processes cooperating (or 4, if I had 4 CPUs/cores etc). Is there any cross platform way to share python objects across processes? (I've found POSH, but it's old, and doesn't appear to be maintained). I could implement my own object space using shared memory, but from what I can see, this is not available on Win32. Are there any other concurrency options I've not discovered yet? -Sw. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list