Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> Hi,
> It is possible to build a system where the fields are "self defining" : -
> One way is to keep a dictionary of tags and descriptors, and to keep "the 
> data"
> in a dictionary using the same tags as keys, with values - an oversimplified
> example:
> DefinitionDict = {1:'Quantity',2:'Price',3:'Value'}
> DataItemDict = {1:10,2:3.50,3:35.00}
> This is conceptually not much different to putting headers on columns in a
> database table or a spreadsheet, with the data item being a row, or to HT or
> XML.
> Now obviously the definitions need not be single valued strings, but could be
> multivalues, for use at different times, such as for gui displaying, for
> printing, etc, and could also hold type information, as most databases do.
> Up to this point, there is no a priori human knowledge mixed in with the data
> that has not been written down.
> However, when we want to make say a validation rule, such as Quantity times
> Price must equal Value, then we are using a priori knowledge about the data to
> formulate this.
> At this point, if a routine is written to check that DataItemDict[1] 
> multiplied
> by DataItemDict[2] is indeed equal to DataItemDict[3], then we are casting the
> meanings into stone, and the flexibility of the structure is to a large extent
> lost.
> Now if I want to make a system where these sort of rules, as well as more
> complicated ones, are also definable - Is there a way to do it simply and
> cleanly - a way to expand the DefinitionDict so that it contains all of what 
> we
> know about the structure and relationships of and between the items of data?
> It seems to me that if this could be done, then it could be used to 
> dynamically
> generate the routines needed for validation, update, etc...
> But my brain strains when I try to think about how to do it...
You need to look at properties. The property() function allows you to 
define methods that are called (and which can therefore perform access 
control and/or semantic checks) when attributes are accessed.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
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