In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Benjamin Grant

> Hi all,
> I'd greatly appreciate any help.  I can configure, make and install
> everything fine.  I'm using python 2.4  I have ubuntu dapper drake. I am
> trying to install hplip which requires python.  When I do this, this
> also works but while running the following error occurs:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/bin/hp-setup", line 31, in ?
>     import readline, gzip
> ImportError: No module named readline

`hplip` is available as package in the Ubuntu repositories.  Why do you
install it from sources?

> It appears as though for some reaosn the readline module is not being
> installed on my system.

It's a dependency of the Python packages.  That's odd.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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