Richard Schulman:
>> cursor.execute("""select mean_eng_txt from mean
>>                   where mean_id=:arg_1""",arg_1)

Uwe Hoffman:
>cursor.execute("""select mean_eng_txt from mean
>                    where mean_id=:arg_1""",{"arg_1":arg_1})

R.S.'s error message:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>    File "", line 7, in ?
>>       cursor.execute('select mean_eng_txt from mean where
>>       mean_id=:arg_1',arg_1)
>> TypeError: expecting a dictionary, sequence or keyword args

Excellent! Vielen Dank, Uwe (and Diez).

This also turned out to work:

cursor.execute("""select mean_eng_txt from mean
                  where mean_id=:arg_1""",arg_1=arg_1)

Richard Schulman
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