sanxiyn> For those of us who have never used IronPython or Mono, is
    sanxiyn> there a quick start document laying about somewhere?  It wasn't
    sanxiyn> clear to me where to even look.

    sanxiyn> Okay, here we go:

Thanks.  Worked like a charm.  Like others I noticed the apparent
performance drop.  I presume that's more a comment on the state of
optimization in Mono than on IronPython itself.

One thing I did find especially annoying though was that none of the editing
keys worked.  DELETE, BACKSPACE, Ctrl-U.  All just inserted themselves.
Ctrl-D didn't exit.  (I had to "raise SystemExit" to exit.)

Is this a known problem?  Is it a Mono thing or an IronPython thing?  Any




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