Steve Holden wrote:
> lazaridis_com wrote:
> > Georg Brandl wrote:
> >>lazaridis_com wrote:
> >>>Georg Brandl wrote:
> >>>>lazaridis_com wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>I would like to fulfill the following task:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>The construct:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>if __name__ == '__main__':
> >>>>>
> >>>>>should be changed to something like:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>if == '__main__':
> >>>>>
> >>>>>The term "identifier" should be selected based on the meaning of the
> >>>>>__double-underscore-enclosure__ of the entities.
> >>>
> >>>>import sys
> >>>>class _identifier:
> >>>>    def __getattr__(self, name):
> >>>>        return sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__%s__' % name]
> >>>>identifier = _identifier()
> >>>
> >>>ok, I understand.
> >>>
> >>>this one would work with modules.
> >>>
> >>>but how would look a more general solution, which would work with
> >>>objects too?
> >>
> >>Why can't you try to come up with something yourself? You should have
> >>had enough exposure to the Python language by now.
> >
> > I am not a (python) domain expert.
> >
> > Thus I am asking here for available standard-solutions, before I
> > implement an own solution.
> >
> There is no standard solution for the problem you mention.

I see.

Can one point me to the relevant documentation?

Or at least give me the relevant key-words / Search Phrases?

I remember to have located a relevant PEP, but I cannot find it again.



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