noro wrote: > Hello again. > > I have a task i need to do and i can't seem to find an elegent > solution. > i need to make a tree like data structure (not necessry a binary tree). > > > i would like each node to access his sons in a dicionary kind of why, > for example: if ROOT node has the name 'A' and 'AA', 'AB' are his > sons, and 'ABA' is 'AB son etc' (in this name scheme the letters from > left to right shows the route from the root to the node) then > ROOT['AB'] will point to 'AB' node and ROOT['AB'][ABA'] will point to > 'ABA' node. > > the tree does not have to be symmarical and every node link to > different number of nodes. two nodes can have the same name if they are > in a different location in the tree. so ROOT['factory1]['manager'] and > ROOT['factory2']['manager'] can be in the same tree and point to > different objects. > > all up to now i can manage. > --------------------- > my problem is this: i would like to find a way to easly construct the > tree by giving some simple template, somthing similer to: > " > ROOT={'factory1':FACTORY,'facory2':FACTORY,'linux':OS,'windows':OS} > FACTORY={'manager':EMPLOEY,'worker':EMPLOEY,'office':BUILDING,'......} > OS={'ver':VERSION,'problems':LIST,....} > " > i started bulding the class NODE as an extention of "dict" with the > keys are the childern names and the items are the next node reference. > the proablem was that as you can see from the above example 'factory1' > and 'factory2' point to the same object. i would like to have 2 > different objects of FACTORY. making FACTORY a template and not an > object. > > i'll appreciate any comment > amit
You can make a shallow copy of a dictionary using the dictionary's copy method. To make a completely new copy, use the deepcopy function in the copy module. Please see the copy module's documentation on the limits and differences between deep copies and shallow copies. ( --Jason --