On 3 Sep 2006 09:20:49 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Are you using the str.isspace() method? I don't use it, so if most
>people don't uses it, then it may be removed from Py 3.0.
>I usually need to know if a string contains some non-spaces (not space
>class chars). To do it I use something like:
>if aline.strip(): ...
>If you really need str.isspace() you may use (but so far I have never
>had to do this):
>if txt and not txt.strip(): ...

Great idea.

By the way, are you using division?  I don't use it, so if most people
don't use it, then it may be removed from Py 3.0.

If you really need division, you may use:

  x * (y ** -1)


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