Hi all, Im trying to create user defined functions (ones that you can use in the cells of excel) in python. I know that its a ...dumb... thing to do since its a lot easier in other languages (vb,c#, vc..etc) but Im stuck on seeing if I can get this to work. Currently I have written a simple script:
class jtest: _public_methods_ = ['Add2'] _reg_clsid_ = "{27A888AA-B5DB-44BE-BBA7-DECF3A1DF861}" _reg_progid_ = "jtest.Excel" def Add2(x, y): return x+y and compiled it to a dll with py2exe and created the registry entry in HKCR\CLSID\{xxxGUIDxxx}\Programmable\ so that excel can pick it up and it loads no problem when selecting it from the automation add-in menu. However thats all it does. I cant seem to be able to call the function or do anything with it. Im sure there is a lot more thats needed than what im doing but documentation is scarce. Thanks for any help or insight that can be offered. -Jesse -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list