Anyone out there use simpleparse? If so, I have a problem that I can't 
seem to solve...I need to be able to parse this line:

"""Cen2 = Cen(OUT, "Cep", "ies", wh, 544, (wh/ht));"""

with this grammar:

grammar = r'''
declaration := ws, line, (ws, line)*, ws
line        := (statement / assignment), ';', ws
assignment  := identifier, ws, '=', ws, statement
statement   := identifier, '(', arglist?, ')', chars?
identifier  := ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:])+
arglist     := arg, (',', ws, arg)*
arg         := expr/ statement / identifier / num / str /
               curve / spline / union / conditional / definition
definition  := typedef?, ws, identifier, ws, '=', ws, arg
typedef     := ([a-zA-Z0-9_])+
expr        := termlist, ( operator, termlist )+
termlist    := ( '(', expr, ')' ) / term
term        := call / identifier / num
call        := identifier, '(', arglist?, ')'
union       := '{{', ws, (arg, ws, ';', ws)*, arg, ws, '}}'
operator    := ( '+' / '-' / '/' / '*' /
                 '==' / '>=' / '<=' / '>' / '<' )
conditional := termlist, ws, '?', ws, termlist, ws, ':', ws, termlist
curve       := (list / num), '@', num
spline      := (cv, ',')*, cv
cv          := identifier, '@', num
list        := '[', arg, (',', ws, arg)*, ']'
str         := '"', ([;] / chars)*, '"'
num         := ( scinot / float / int )
<chars>     := ('-' / '/' / '?' / [EMAIL PROTECTED]&\*\+=<> :])+
<int>       := ([-+]?, [0-9]+)
<float>     := ([-+]?, [0-9\.]+)
<scinot>    := (float, 'e', int)
<ws>        := [ \t\n]*

But it fails. The problem is with how arglist/arg/expr are defined, 
which makes it unable to handle the parenthesized expression at the end 
of the line:


But everything I've tried to correct that problem fails. In the end, it 
needs to be able to parse that line with those parentheses around wh/ht, 
or without them.
Recursive parsing of expressions just seems hard to do in simpleparse, 
and is beyond my parsing knowledge.

Here's the code to get the parser going:

from simpleparse.parser import Parser
p = Parser(grammar, 'line')
import pprint
bad_line = """Cen2 = Cen(OUT, "Cep", "ies", wh, 544, (wh/ht));"""


Any help greatly appreciated, thanks,

mediocre nebula.


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