John Salerno a écrit :
> Are there any major differences between these two? 

Yes. SQLAlchemy is, mainly, a very higher-level DB-API that makes 
working with a RDBMS almost transparent (no embedded SQL unless you 
really wants to) without trying to pretend there's no RDBMS nor forcing 
you into ORM mode. ORM facilities are built on top of this.

> It seems they can 
> both be used with TurboGears, and SQLAlchemy with Django. I'm just 
> wondering what everyone's preference is, and why, 

I'd say SQLAlchemy. I've used Django's ORM (pre 'magic-removal' version) 
  and played a bit with SQLObject, but after an afternoon playing with 
SQLAlchemy and browsing the doc, I don't wan't to hear of them anymore.

> and if there are even 
> more choices for ORM.

There is. But nothing as exceiting as SQLAlchemy IMHO. Now FWIW, 
installing and testing is probably the quickest way to make your own 


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