Jack> I came away from the thread with the opposite conclusion for
    Jack> similar reasons.  People would use a 2.3.6 if their OS upgraded it
    Jack> for them but those are the same people who won't upgrade to 2.4.x
    Jack> because it involves testing.  2.3.5 isn't broken for them or they
    Jack> would know it by now.  2.3.6 probably isn't broken for them but it
    Jack> can't help -- or they would have noticed a bug by now.

In contrast, I generally do only a small amount of testing when a micro
release of Python comes out before inflicting it on our users and
developers, precisely because I have confidence that it only contains bug
fixes.  Since probably 2.2.1 there have been no new features in any micro
releases that I can recall and, up to this point at least, no regressions in
my experience.  Micro updates seem like a pretty safe bet to me.


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