Dick Moores wrote:

> I've got a friend interested in trying out Python. I sent him to 
> http://www.python.org/download/linux/ but he's uncertain as to what to 
> download. He's rather get a new download than use what was on his Suse 
> disk. His box is an x86.
> Any chance Python 2.4.3 compressed source tarball 
> <http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.3/Python-2.4.3.tgz> would be 
> suitable for him?

absolutely.  unpack, type "./configure", and then "make altinstall", and 
you're off (use "python2.4" to start the newly installed interpreter).

alternatively, and recommended, is to grab the latest build from SuSE's 
package repository.



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