tobiah wrote: > > The docs clearly state what the defaults are, but they are not > in the code. It seems so clumsy to have to specify every one > of these, just to change the delimiter from comma to tab. >
That particular case is handled by the built-in (but cunningly concealed) 'excel-tab' class: |>>> import csv |>>> csv.list_dialects() ['excel-tab', 'excel'] |>>> td = csv.get_dialect('excel-tab') |>>> dir(td) ['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '_name', '_valid', '_validate', 'delimiter', 'doublequote', 'escapechar', 'lineterminator', 'quotechar', 'quoting', 'skipinitialspace'] |>>> td.delimiter '\t' However, more generally, the docs also clearly state that "In addition to, or instead of, the dialect parameter, the programmer can also specify individual formatting parameters, which have the same names as the attributes defined below for the Dialect class." In practice, using a Dialect class would be a rather rare occurrence. E.g. here's the guts of the solution to the "fix a csv file by rsplitting one column" problem, using the "quoting" attribute on the assumption that the solution really needs those usually redundant quotes: import sys, csv def fix(inf, outf, fixcol): wtr = csv.writer(outf, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) for fields in csv.reader(inf): fields[fixcol:fixcol+1] = fields[fixcol].rsplit(None, 1) wtr.writerow(fields) if __name__ == "__main__": av = sys.argv fix(open(av[1], 'rb'), open(av[2], 'wb'), int(av[3])) HTH, John --