> I inherited a bug reporting system at work, and it's currently in Zope
> BITS (Bug Information Tracking System).  This version of BITS uses ZODB
> -- not the RDBMS version.  I would like to export all the incident
> reports from BITS to later import into Bugzilla, but as of yet I
> haven't quite figured it out.  As soon as I'm done with this, that's it
> for BITS and Zope, so I'd like to avoid writing a Zope app just for
> this.
> Anyone solved this problem, or at least the part about exporting from
> BITS?  I'd hand-enter the open issues, but they also want the closed
> ones for tracking & posterity.

I'm not helping you with your problem, just plugging my own tracker ;)

Use Roundup! It's Pure Python :)




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