neoedmund a écrit :
<ot>please don't top-post (corrected)</ot>
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>neoedmund wrote:
>><ot>Please repeat the whole question in the message body</ot>
>>=>how to get the os file icon for a given content-type?
>>>any simple method?
>>This is specific to your OS  (and FWIW, there's nothing like a "file
>>icon" on the OS I'm using).
> So what? Java 5.0 has the method, why python has not?

There are a lot of things that Java has an Python don't. And a lot of 
things that Python has and Java don't.

And FWIW, I'd really like to know how the Java implementation of such a 
'feature' would work on a system where there's *no* 'os file icon' 
associated to a given content-type.

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