Looks like you mixing comparisons.

> Ruby:
> + More mature system. More stable? More features?

uh, no, Python predates Ruby by a good bit
Rails might be "older" than Turbogears but it still JUST went 1.0
It can't be called "mature' by any defintition.

> + Much better documented. This is a biggie.

Rails has no documentation, period. The authors acknowledge this

> + Built-in Rubydoc system would make documenting the
> system easier. (IMHO, developers almost always
> underestimate the need for good documentation that
> is written along withe the system.) Is there a
> Python doc system that has received Guido's blessing
> yet? D'oxygen would seem an obvious choice.

Pydoc IS standard. This has been around for a long time.

> + Better coordination with Javascript helper code?

Again, is this a Python vs Ruby or Turbogears vs Rails post, you seem
highly confused on the distinctions between language vs framework.

> I was initially leaning towards Rails due to maturity,
> but the most recent version of TurboGears seem to have
> fixed a lot of the "ad hoc" feeling I got from previous
> versions. But I'm still very much up in the air.

again, Ruby can't be considered 'mature' by any definition.

> Thanks,
> Ken
> P.S. If I wanted to provide an image by streaming the
> file data directly over the connection, rather than by
> referring to an image file, how would I do that? I'd
> like to build code that would allow images to be assembled
> into a single-file photo album (zip or bsddb file), and
> so can't refer to them as individual image files.



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