Amir Michail wrote: > Hi, > > Trying to open a file for writing that is already open for writing > should result in an exception. Look at fcntl module, I use it in a class to control access from within my processes. I don't think this functionality should be inherent to python though. Keep in mind only my processes open the shelve db so your mileage may vary. get and set methods are just for convenience This works under linux, don't know about windows.
#!/usr/bin/env python import fcntl, shelve, time, bsddb from os.path import exists class fLocked: def __init__(self, fname): if exists(fname): #verify it is not corrupt bsddb.db.DB().verify(fname) self.fname = fname self.have_lock = False self.db = self.fileno = self.db.dict.db.fd() def __del__(self): try: self.db.close() except: pass def aquire_lock(self, timeout = 5): if self.have_lock: return True started = time.time() while not self.have_lock and (time.time() - started < timeout): try: fcntl.flock(self.fileno, fcntl.LOCK_EX + fcntl.LOCK_NB) self.have_lock = True except IOError: # wait for it to become available time.sleep(.5) return self.have_lock def release_lock(self): if self.have_lock: fcntl.flock(self.fileno, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.have_lock = False return not self.have_lock def get(self, key, default = {}): if self.aquire_lock(): record = self.db.get(key, default) self.release_lock() else: raise IOError, "Unable to lock %s" % self.fname return record def set(self, key, value): if self.aquire_lock(): self.db[key] = value self.release_lock() else: raise IOError, "Unable to lock %s" % self.fname if __name__ == '__main__': fname = 'test.db' dbs = [] for i in range(2): dbs.append(fLocked(fname)) print dbs[0].aquire_lock() print dbs[1].aquire_lock(1) #should fail getting flock dbs[0].release_lock() print dbs[1].aquire_lock() #should be able to get lock --Tim --