iapain wrote:

>> I'm just learning Python, and I have a question about
>> os.path.join(dirpath,
>> name) and its use.  Simply put, I haven't figured out how to use it.
> First thing you have to remember while using python is "everything is
> an object". os.join.path concatenates one or more path for example
> os.path.join("c:", "myfolder") represent a path relative to current dir
> on c: drive.

Thank you.   I was thinking about it all wrong.   That helped a lot.  I have
it figured out now. :-)

There are several things that I will never be:
  *  I will never be attracted to females.
  *  I will never enjoy the company of others.
Exactly how these realities bode for my enemy, is not of my concern.


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