Hi, I'm writing a program using Python 2.4 and PyQt4. The aim is to implement drag and drop from filesystem and display a list of files dragged on to the listWidget. This function will later become part of a software for workflow management.
When I run the program, DragEnterEvent works as expected, but the DropEvent does not seem to be working. I'm not an experienced Python hacker, and am unable to trace out any problems with the source code. Any and all help will be appreciated! Cheers! Harshad. P.S.: The source code for the two files is given below: ------------------------------------------- zaraa.py ------------------------------------------- from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from zaraamain import Ui_Dialog import sys from PyQt4 import * class Zaraa(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.setupUi(self) # Enable Drag and Drop self.listWidget.setAcceptDrops(True) # Set up the handlers for the listWidget self.listWidget.__class__.dragEnterEvent = self.lwDragEnterEvent self.listWidget.__class__.dropEvent = self.lwDropEvent # Drag Enter Event handler def lwDragEnterEvent(self, event): print "DragEnter" event.acceptProposedAction() # ------------------------ BEGIN ------------------------ # The following event is not fired, or at least is not # handled by this function - as is expected... # Drag Drop Event Handler def lwDropEvent(self, event): print "DragDrop" event.acceptProposedAction() # we want to append only URLs to the list... if event.mimeData().hasUrls() == True: urllist = event.mimeData().urls() for url in urllist: self.listWidget.addItem(url.toLocalFile()) # ------------------------ END ------------------------ # Set up the application and execute it. app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window = Zaraa() window.show() sys.exit(app.exec_()) ------------------------------------------- /zaraa.py ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- zaraamain.py ------------------------------------------- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'zaraamain.ui' # # Created: Sat Aug 26 00:00:10 2006 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.0.1 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! import sys from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui class Ui_Dialog(object): def setupUi(self, Dialog): Dialog.setObjectName("Dialog") Dialog.resize(QtCore.QSize(QtCore.QRect(0,0,249,300).size()).expandedTo(Dialog.minimumSizeHint())) self.vboxlayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(Dialog) self.vboxlayout.setMargin(9) self.vboxlayout.setSpacing(6) self.vboxlayout.setObjectName("vboxlayout") self.listWidget = QtGui.QListWidget(Dialog) self.listWidget.setObjectName("listWidget") self.vboxlayout.addWidget(self.listWidget) self.retranslateUi(Dialog) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog) def retranslateUi(self, Dialog): Dialog.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("Dialog", "Zaraa", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) ------------------------------------------- /zaraamain.py ------------------------------------------- -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list