Hello all: I am using getopt package in Python and found a problem that I can not figure out an easy to do .
// Correct input D:\>python AddArrowOnImage.py --imageDir=c:/ // Incorrect input D:\>python AddArrowOnImage.py --imageDi Traceback (most recent call last): File "AddArrowOnImage.py", line 113, in ? File "AddArrowOnImage.py", line 88, in main File "getopt.pyc", line 89, in getopt File "getopt.pyc", line 157, in do_longs getopt.GetoptError: option --imageDir requires argument Is there any method in getopt or Python that I could easily check the validity of each command line input parameter? Thank you -Daniel FYI: My code that deals with getopt is as follows: o, a = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['imageDir=']) opts = {} for k,v in o: if k in ['--imageDir'] and len(v) == 0: usage(); sys.exit("Insufficient input parameters!") opts[k] = v if opts.has_key('-h'): usage(); sys.exit(0) if not len(opts['--imageDir']): usage(); sys.exit("Insufficient input parameters!") -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list