DH wrote:

> I have a plain text file containing the html and words that I want
> removed(keywords) from the html file, after processing the html file it
> would save it as a plain text file.
> So the program would import the keywords, remove them from the html
> file and save the html  file as something.txt.
> I would post the data but it's secret. I can post an example:
> index.html (html page)
> "
> <div><p><em>&quot;Python has been an important part of Google since the
> beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves.
> &quot;</em></p>
> <p>-- Peter Norvig, <a class="reference"
> "
> replace.txt (keywords)
> "
> <div id="quote" class="homepage-box">
> <div><p><em>&quot;
> &quot;</em></p>
> <p>-- Peter Norvig, <a class="reference"
> "
> something.txt(file after editing)
> "
> Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning, and
> remains so as the system grows and evolves.
> "
reading and writing files is described in the tutorial; see


(scroll down to "Reading and Writing Files")

to do the replacement, you can use repeated calls to the "replace" method


but that may cause problems if the replacement text contains things that 
should be replaced.  for an efficient way to do a "parallel" replace, see:




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