Perl has the ability to do the following: print <<EOF; ...reams of text goes here... EOF
Is there a Python equivalent of the above Perl code? This thread has previous discussion on the topic: we know one can use: print """var1 = %(var1)s, var2 = %(var2)s ... extra content.. """ % vars() However, when the code in the string was actually qsubcmds = """ echo cd %(cwd)s %(cmds) %(args) rm -f %(files)s """ % vars() in which %(cmd)s folks a subprocess, when this string was write to some pipe, e.g.: QSUB = Popen(qsubcmds, shell=True, stdin=PIPE) print >> QSUB.stdin, qsubcmds (or Popen.communicate(qsubcmds)) the "rm -f " was not executed in my case. The corresponding perl script runs fine: open(QSUB, "| $qsubcmds -") || die "kao"; print QSUB <<End; echo cd $cwd $cmds $args rm -f $files End close QSUB || die "kou"; How can we manage this in Python? --