John Salerno wrote:
> Ravi Teja wrote:
> > Stick to SciTE. It takes almost no learning effort and meets everyone
> > of those requirements. As far as customerization goes, SciTE can be
> > customerized quite well. In fact, it can even be scripted with Lua. You
> > seem to be using the single file executable which does not come with
> > the configuration files. Otherwise, I cannot see how you could be
> > missing this ability.
> I really like Scite, but I find it's syntax highlighting abilities to be
> quite limited. You can't specify your own groups of words, you can only
> use what is already preset in the lexer files.


In the same file, near the top.

keywordclass.python=and assert break class continue def del elif \
else except exec finally for from global if import in is lambda None \
not or pass print raise return try while yield

I could add my own keywords to it.


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