
im quite surprised at the arrogance laid out by some of the above

However, does it not seem reasonable to ask python:

Given a dicitionary, Banana = {}
return one or more strings,
where each string is the name(s) of the reference(s) to Banana.

why is this not sane?!?!
what am i missing here?

I mean, i can enter the name of the dicitonary and python knows what i
am talking about, so why can't i go backwards to get one or more
strings that are the names of the dictionary?

There may indeed be a lack of one-to-one correspondence between names
of dictionaries and dictionaries, but who cares, it is WELL DEFINED
(unless i am insane as some of the above posters claim)

Please PROVE to me why my question is invalid (or certifiably crazy to

Thanks to all who could answer me WITH or WITHOUT derision.


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