Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ... > IIRC, ctrl-Z is not used _in_files_ to represent EOF. Only > when text is being entered at the console.
Easy to test, if you have Windows: >>> n='foo.txt' >>> s='ba\r\n'+chr(26)+'bo\r\r' >>> open(n,'wb').write(s) >>> ss=open(n).read() >>> ss 'ba\n' As you see, in _text_ files on Windows a control-Z (char(26), AKA '\x1a') does indeed represent "end of file" -- a convention going back to CP/M (which lacked metadata to represent file length except in multiples of 256 characters, if I recall correctly) and is still followed by Windows (and by Python running on Windows). Nevertheless I doubt it would help the original poster -- I think, like /F and you, that a line-end and flush may be what he needs. Alex --